Image of scientists collaborating


The Research and Operations team at DEVCOM CBC is an innovative organization with unique chemical and biological (C/B) capabilities. Our research expertise and development labs efficiently execute C/B defense efforts for our nation and warfighters from discovery through prototyping and our operational capabilities can rapidly respond to global C/B challenges.  Research & Operations looks beyond the “now” to formulate paths for future C/B needs and provide vital solutions worldwide.  The team works with many government and private-industry agencies for scientific research and development work, as well as operations, including the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and several universities. 

The team is unique in its unparalleled broad capability, capacity, and expertise to efficiently execute chemical and biological defense efforts for our nation and warfighters from discovery through prototyping. The team has specialized capabilities across the Threat Agent Sciences, Protection, Sensor Technologies and Biomaterials, and Operation areas. Some representative capabilities within these areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Synthesis and purification of toxic materials​
  • Chemical analysis of toxic materials in complex matrices​
  • Physical property measurements of toxic materials​
  • Visual and spectroscopic interrogation of chemical agent/surface interactions ​
  • Quantum chemical modeling​
  • Chemical Weapons risk assessment ​
  • Unique testing facilities (chambers, wind tunnels) ​
  • Toxic agent inhalation glove boxes and exposure chambers ​
  • Full-range molecular, synthetic, and systems biology infrastructure​
  • Full-presumptive and confirmatory bioforensic sample testing ​
  • Novel immunologic and molecular test research and development ​
  • Environmental remediation investigations; health/​safety monitoring; demilitarization/ testing operations for chemical agents and TICs​
  • Operations in support of the U.S. Chemical Demilitarization Program​
  • Robotic-assisted HT sample analysis for biological agent screening​
  • Automated continuous monitoring systems provide near real-time detection​
  • Fully functional, mobile laboratories perform critical on-site analysis of air, water/and soil samples ​
  • DoD Core Facility for Genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomics​
  • Aerosol science​
  • Computational chemistry​
  • Atmospheric chemistry​
  • Absorption, elastic scatter, and fluorescence spectroscopy​
  • Chemical, biological and radiation (CBR) filter technology ​
  • CBR filter system evaluation ​
  • Toxic industrial material/toxic industrial chemical protection ​
  • Decontamination technology development​
  • Production & development of smoke, obscuration, nonlethal & incendiary munitions programs​
  • Pyro/explosive/smoke/obscurant toxicology evaluations​


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Provides the United States and the Chemical Biological Defense Program with the critical information needed to prevent surprise and maintain operational readiness in response to adversarial use of chemical warfare materials. ​


Provides research and development of superior technologies for CB protection, filtration, decontamination, obscuration, and nonlethal target defeat to broaden the protection envelope and reduce logistical and physiological burdens imposed on users. ​

Image of soldier aiming a rifle. Banner image for page.

Image of scientist working


Conducts chemical, biological research and development that drives innovation to out-pace emerging threats while simultaneously providing modern solutions.​


Provides a range of operations and unique capabilities to respond to the global chemical/biological (C/B) landscape.​

Image of chemists


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