Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist

CCDC Chemical Biological Center Public Affairs | May 26th, 2022


Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist

CCDC Chemical Biological Center Public Affairs | May 26th, 2022


Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist

CCDC Chemical Biological Center Public Affairs | May 26th, 2022

Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist

DEVCOM CBC Public Affairs
May 26th, 2022

Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center Director Dr. Eric L. Moore administers the oath of office to Dr. Patricia McDaniel as the Army’s Senior Research Scientist for Chemistry as her husband, John, holds the Bible.

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD — The U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC) witnessed the pinning of Dr. Patricia McDaniel, Senior Research Scientist (ST) for Chemistry during a ceremony on May 19 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

McDaniel was joined by family, friends and the DEVCOM CBC community for her pinning ceremony at the Edgewood Conference Center. The ceremony was also shared virtually on Microsoft Teams. Center Director Dr. Eric L. Moore officiated the ceremony and highlighted McDaniel’s contributions to DEVCOM CBC and the chemical biological defense community. Moore commended McDaniel’s ability to bring the Center’s team of senior scientists together, encouraging them to collaborate and explore future technologies. “Mentoring means a lot to her. I’m proud to see that she’s been doing that and she’s been very effective,” Moore said.

During the ceremony, McDaniel’s son, Ian played a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on his saxophone. Moore formally inducted McDaniel as a Senior Research Scientist and she took her oath as her husband, John, held the Bible. Her daughter, Alanna presented her with the ST pin and Ian assisted in presenting her with the ST flag.

In McDaniel’s remarks to the audience, she expressed the importance of mentorship and helping each other propel the Center’s mission. “There’s so much reward in helping people develop and become better,” she said.

Dr. Patricia McDaniel Formally Inducted as Army Senior Research Scientist
U.S. Army Senior Research Scientist (ST) for Chemistry, Dr. Patricia McDaniel joins fewer than 500 STs in the federal government, and they are counted among the ranks of the most renowned scientists and engineers in the country.

Due to COVID-19, McDaniel’s pinning was delayed but she has been serving as the Army’s ST for Chemistry since May 24, 2020. She directs two Army-funded basic research and innovation fundamental exploratory science programs — the In-House Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) program and the Surface Science Initiative (SSI). She is also spearheading the Center’s microsensors campaign, a proof-of-concept study that seeks to provide warfighters with sensors that are light in weight and low in cost. One of the priorities that she has expanded on is the educational and mentoring element in the Center’s basic science portfolio. “We’re not just receiving funding to do research, but to manage research projects. That’s a learning experience for our scientists. They’re learning program management and gaining a financial understanding of how to manage a project,” she said. “We want to build solid researchers and part of that is understanding all elements of what managing a project means.”

Going forward, McDaniel’s goal as a Senior Research Scientist is to help the Center expand and grow in the organic knowledge areas. “My goal is to take our internationally known scientists and leverage their skills to build centers of excellence. I’d like to find specific areas where we can expand and make a real position for ourselves in chemistry and the scientific community,” she said.

The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) leads in the discovery, development and delivery of technology-based capabilities to enable Soldiers to win our nation’s wars and come home safely. DEVCOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Futures Command. The DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center is the Army’s principal research and development center for chemical and biological defense technology, engineering and field operations. The DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center is headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.