Weapons Elimination

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center performs global CB operations in a safe, secure and environmentally sound manner by providing a broad range of field deployable operations for the remediation of CB agents and other sensitive materials.

DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center’s deployable lab services provide near real-time detection of airborne contaminants using automated continuous monitoring systems that satisfy site-specific requirements. Fully functional, transportable laboratories provide critical onsite analysis of air, water and soil samples utilizing state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation to monitor for chemical and biological warfare agents, as well as their breakdown products. In addition, DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center installs, operates and maintains a broad range of engineering-controlled vapor containment shelters, as well as decontamination, neutralization and destruction systems. DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center subject matter experts also sustain CB filtration systems used in surety laboratories and field operations.